Teresa Russell Intuitive Healing Therapy
Firstly ..... About Me
My name is Teresa, I am an Intuitive Energy Healer.
I started my journey many years ago training in all types of energy
healing modalities and holistic therapies. I always knew there was
more to this life and to healing our bodies using traditional medicine, which has its place, but our body can heal itself if we give it the right tools and environment.
My healing training includes Reiki to master level, Reiki Seichem and
Past Life regression healing. My holistic training includes diplomas
in Massage Therapy, Anatomy and Physiology, Indian Head Massage,
Laughter Yoga Teacher training and Colour Therapy.
​I am a LifeWave phototherapy technology patch distributer. The non transdermal patches, activated by the bodies natural light and heat, are designed to elevate GHK-Cu, a copper peptide naturally produced by the body, known to enhance stem cell activity. Benefits include the support of wound healing, rapid pain relief, reduced inflammation, skin, brain and heart health, more energy, better sleep and more vitality. 20 years of development and backed by 20 clinical studies. (contact me for more information)Homepage - LifeWave
I create beautiful pieces of Intuitive Art to change the energy of a
room or to assist in the healing process for clients. I have taught
small groups or provided 1:1 sessions with clients and have seen
amazing healing happening right on the canvas.
I am a Bio-Energy Therapy Practitioner. This healing modality is profoundly different to some of the other healing modalities that I have experienced over the years. I am a member of BETA (Bio Energy Therapy Association).
The Bio Energy treatments that I provide to clients goes much deeper,
they get to the core issues that can cause physical disease and
emotional upset and overwhelm and clears them out of the body, so it
can do what it was meant to do. I believe that Bio Energy can change
people's lives by healing their past and present emotional upset, by
healing their physical pain and by changing their negative thought
processes, which changes how they view and are in the world. If you
have TRIED everything, and you are STILL suffering – if you wish to
REGAIN your health and vitality and are OPEN to getting HEALTHY and
HAPPY - contact me to try it for yourself. I provide a free 15 min
call, where we can discuss your issues and I can answer any questions.
Bio Energy can be done on babies, children, adults and animals. This
type of healing can be done in person or remotely through video call.
‘When Energy Flows.....Healing Can Begin’
Mobile: 00353 87 928 2145
Instagram: Teresa Russell (@teresarussellintuitivehealing)
How does Bio Energy Healing Work?
Bio energy represents the integration of a network of powerful and effective healing techniques that work by rebalancing the life force energy (Chi) within and around the human body. I use very gentle hand movements on and around the body and I scan the body looking for blockages in your energy flow. My main aim is to clear any blockages or stagnant energy in your energy systems, your physical, your emotional, or your spiritual body. By clearing the energy centres of your body, it will return to being in a high vibrational state. The body's energy vibration is a direct reflection of your inner thoughts, feelings and beliefs. When you have a high vibration of energy, you resonate with joy, peace, tranquillity, unconditional love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness and health. If you are experiencing pain, anxiety, depression, grief, trauma or overwhelm Bio Energy focuses on treating the root cause of the issue, not just the symptom. This type of healing is powerful, profound and effective. It compliments any medical or therapeutic treatment and has no contra-indications. It can be used on babies, adults and animals.​

How would Bio Energy Healing Benefit You?
Our lives are filled with experiences and events, some are difficult, some are unforgettable. Events like the death of a close friend, family member or pet, abusive relationships, sexual abuse, emotional abuse or bullying, a job loss or an illness. All of these can cause stress, overwhelm or depression. These traumas and negative emotions or though patterns are often held in our bodies leading to more pain and suffering. The body’s Bio Energy systems or energy centres get blocked or clogged up and this prevents the body’s capacity to stay in a high vibrational state (health and vitality) and this leads to illness, disease and low mood. My approach to working with my client is to create a customised program for you. This looks at you as a whole person rather than just your current issues, in order to get to the root cause of the problem. Bio Energy considers your past and current life situations and experiences (no rehashing of the past is required) we will look at limiting beliefs or perceptions, any imbalances in your systems, past health issues, your past or current lifestyle choices like diet, exercise and sleep or environmental factors which may be causing underlying issues on your health and wellbeing. By looking at the wider picture I can offer insight and some tips and tricks to not only get you feeling transformed but to keep you on the right track to keep you healthy and happy. Bio Energy doesn’t rely on a belief system for it to work, you just have to be willing to allow yourself to get well again. 'When energy flows… healing can begin'

Intuitive Healing Art
I also create Intuitive art in order to support healing and spiritual growth of the client. I use abstract art with knowledge taken from colour therapy but mainly intuition to assist with the healing process. I can work with clients to create their own piece of art using unique methods and meditative practices which allows the client to move out of their own way and into a place where they can work in the flow of energy that allows them to get to spaces in their psyche and in their body that moves the energy from the body onto the paper. This has allowed clients to work through issues that may have held them back and to get into the flow of life that brings more harmony and joy into their life.